She seems to have a lot of difficulty grasping the severity of the situation.

The helicopter crash in the beginning - listening to the pilot screaming "Tell my wife I love her!" (which then degenerates into wet sounding crunches).The picture of him on Vikke's profile card is especially creepy. Heck, Rosalind herself may qualify - she seems a bit Ax-Crazy and Laughing Mad, and this was before her possession! Her treating Nick like a toy and less like a person just puts a point on it.His goofy appearance does little to offset the fuel. Just imagine what would've happened if Juliet had lost. His main goal is to wreck everything in sight. He has one main trait that distinguishes him from the other zombies (aside from looking like Elvis): he's huge. Pretty unsettling if you go a while without noticing.

If you failed to rescue all classmates, then the cutscene you get after the credits shows everyone coming home to find that Mom is now a zombie.